Photography is all about personal vision. Each of us perceives it in a different way. What appeals to me may not appeal to someone else, and vice versa. Photography allows me to see the world in a new light. As Ansel Adams stated, the photographer’s objective is not to simply duplicate visual reality. This website is intended to showcase the world as I see it.
What I find most appealing about photography is its difficulty. I am fully convinced that effort and challenge add value to our projects—indeed, to our lives. Many people believe that photography is just about pointing and shooting, letting the camera do the rest. But the truth is, finding—or creating—a great shot is extremely difficult.
Around the mid-’70s, at the age of eight, I was given a second-hand Olympus PEN EE-2 by my godfather. That moment sparked my interest in photography. I played around with the camera for many years, though I don’t have any significant works from that period.
In the late ’90s, I bought my first SLR 35mm film camera, a Nikon F70. In 2000, I attended my first photography course. In 2005, I transitioned to digital with a Nikon D70. Since then, I have taken several courses on a wide range of subjects, including digital and darkroom developing, strobist techniques, studio lighting, visual language, composition, nude photography, portraiture, landscape, concert, and theater photography.
Today, I still have my old Olympus, which is part of my personal vintage camera collection.
The most important tools I have as a photographer are my heart and my index finger. However, on the technical side, I rely on my camera. I have been shooting with DSLR cameras since 2005. In mid-2012, I bought my first mirrorless camera—an Olympus OM-D E-M1.
Mirrorless technology is a game changer. It offers unparalleled performance in a lightweight body, along with state-of-the-art features such as focus peaking, live composition, and real-time exposure preview, among many others. Today, I use the OM1 Mark II and no longer own a DSLR. I typically shoot with M.Zuiko Micro Four Thirds lenses.
For digital post-processing, I use Adobe Lightroom. This tool has proven to be extremely powerful, covering the entire photographic workflow from start to finish.

Winter in Catalan Pyrenees